Paracraft is a parametric design and analysis plugin for Rhino3D versions 7 and 8. Paracraft is running as a native Rhino3D plugin. There is no need for Grasshopper, scripting or manual manipulation of control points and guide lines. Input is a set of intuitive, unitless, design parameters, typical to planing and semi-planing hard chine hull modeling.
Paracraft can speed up the preliminary design phase of a new project, help re-model existing designs in 3D, generate in no time alternative designs for CFD testing following a systematic process, produce 3D hull models for rendering, 3D printing and CNC cutting without drawing a single curve, and calculate important engineering data all within the Rhino3D environment.

- Hull 3D modeling using typical parameters to hard chine hull forms. Parameters are unitless with the exception of hull length, max. beam and stem height. Specific parameters for the keel, forefoot, chines, and sheer curves.
- Parameters to add a side surface step, top side curvature or a side chine
- Parameters to model a bow thruster tunnel
- Parametric modeling of appendages including rudders, shafts and propeller discs
- Intergrated “live” basic hydrostatics and visualization of the waterplane, the immersed volume and their cenroids.
- Intergrated “live” resistance and power prediction using the Savitsky method and Series 62 regression model.
- Hull lines generation (stations, waterlines and buttocks).
- Paracraft preview display with transparency for overlaying existing Rhino3D designs, 2D drawings, etc.
- Parametric preview 3D model can be drawn on the Rhino3D document and parameters can be saved and re-loaded. Hydrostatic and resistance/power prediction data can be exported as csv files and edited in spreadsheet applications.

For professionals
- Perpetual licence
- Includes support and minor updates
Free trial
Demo version
- All features except for loading/saving and drawing to Rhino document limitations
- An invoice will be issued at your name, sent by email. Please provide the correct billing details.
- 24% V.A.T. (sales tax is added to product’s value.
- A direct download link will be provided after purchase.